The following sites are designed to assist graduate students as they prepare to complete their degree requirements. Please pay special attention to the deadlines for submitting forms and theses/dissertations.
- Application for Advanced Degree
- Graduation Checklist
- UD Thesis and Dissertation Manual
- Dissertation/Thesis Submission Deadlines
- Doctoral Dissertation Defense Form
- Thesis/Dissertation Defense Form
- Certification of Doctoral Dissertation Defense
Graduation Checklist
Form: Application for Advanced Degree
All M.S. and Ph.D. candidates must submit a signed Application for Advanced Degree to the UD Office of Graduate & Professional Education (Grad Office). The application deadlines are in mid-September for Fall candidates, mid-December for Winter candidates, mid-February for Spring candidates, and mid-May for Summer candidates. Once you have completed the form and obtained your committee members’ signatures, present this form along with the appropriate fee (M.S. $50; Ph.D. $95) to the department Graduate Administrator to obtain the department chairman’s signature. A copy of the signed document will be kept for your student file and the original will be submitted to the Grad Office. Note: if you anticipate completing your degree requirements one semester and it is delayed for any reason, you do NOT have to resubmit this form or fee.
Notify Biological Sciences’ Main Office
Betty Cowgill ([email protected]), in 118 Wolf Hall, must be advised of your anticipated graduation date and funding end date at least three weeks in advance. The decision to continue to pay past your defense date or to terminate pay cannot be a last-minute decision.
Thesis/Dissertation Draft Submission to the Department
A copy of the thesis/dissertation draft (pre-defense copy) must be submitted to the Graduate Administrator at least two weeks prior to your defense. This copy is kept in the main office for the Graduate Program Director and faculty to preview. The University Thesis and Dissertation Manual must be followed.
Form: Defense Announcement Form
The Thesis/Dissertation Defense Form provides details so that the department announcements can be prepared and distributed, and catering needs can be ordered prior to your defense. This form must be submitted to the Graduate Administrator two weeks prior to the defense. Also, Ph.D. students must complete the following online form Doctoral Dissertation Defense Form.
Ph.D. Form: Certification of Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Committee members and advisors will need to sign the Certification of Doctoral Dissertation Defense before being presented to the chair for signature. A copy of the signed form must be kept by the Graduate Administrator for your student file, and the original will be submitted to the Grad Office when title pages and signature pages are submitted.
M.S. Form: Results of the M.S. Defense Form
The original Results of the M.S. Defense Form will stay in your student file.
Approval/Signature Pages – Preparation
Follow the guidelines provided in the Thesis/Dissertation Manual for preparation. Note: pages are different for M.S. vs. Ph.D. Three copies on 25% bond paper (preferably UD watermark) will be required by the Grad Office. One additional copy is required for the department’s bound copy. Other copies should be prepared at the same time if needed for the advisor, committee members, or family member copies. The department Graduate Administrator is available to assist with printing services as long as adequate time is allowed. Note: The name and title of Deans and Vice Provosts change from time to time. Check the current names and titles first.
Approval/Signature Pages – Obtaining Signatures
You are responsible for obtaining your committee members’ signatures prior to bringing the signature pages to the main office (Graduate Secretary) for the chair’s signature. After the Department Chair signs the forms, your final thesis/dissertation will be emailed to the Dean’s office ([email protected]) and your signature pages will be delivered to the Dean’s Office for review and signature.
Final Submission to the Grad Office
After receiving the Dean’s signature, three copies of the title page, three copies of the abstract, and all signature pages must be submitted to the Grad Office for their approval and the final signatures. An appointment should be made with their office in advance. During this meeting, you will be provided with instructions for uploading your document as a PDF (electronic submission). Please note the following deadlines:
Dissertation/Thesis Submission Deadlines
Graduation Term | Ph.D. Dissertation Submission Deadline | M.S. Thesis Submission Deadline |
Winter 2022 | January 17, 2022 | January 17, 2022 |
Spring 2022 | April 18, 2022 | April 25, 2022 |
Summer 2022 | July 18, 2022 | July 18, 2022 |
When the Grad Office accepts the final submission with no changes requested, copies of the thesis/dissertation should be sent to the Graduate Administrator so it can be printed on 25% bond paper (preferably UD watermark) through University Printing. Copies (with signed signature pages) will then be delivered to the University Bookstore to go out for binding. Funding for this process needs to be decided in advance between the student and the advisor. One bound copy is required for the department library. The department will pay for this copy. Other copies may be prepared at the same time, i.e. for advisors, committee members, family members, student, etc. The department Graduate Administrator is available to assist with printing services as long as adequate time is allowed.
Commencement/Convocation Ceremonies
A Commencement Brochure is prepared and distributed by the Office of Graduate & Professional Education by the end of April with complete instructions.
- Regalia
The department will cover the cost for regalia for grad students participating in the graduation ceremony. Please let the department graduate administrator know that you plan to attend so your regalia can be electronically ordered. You can pick up your regalia during the annual Graduation Fair at the bookstore, usually held the 2nd week of May. If you are unable to pick up your regalia at that time, please make arrangements with the department Graduate Administrator.
- Hooding Ceremony
Doctoral candidates and their advisors will receive an invitation from the Office of Graduate & Professional Education to attend a hooding ceremony and reception. This event is usually held on Friday late afternoon/evening the day prior to commencement activities.
- UD Commencement
M.S. and Ph.D. candidates are welcome to participate in the University ceremony at the Football Stadium Saturday morning.
- Department Convocation
M.S. and Ph.D. candidates are welcome to participate in the Department Convocation ceremony, held on the Friday before commencement activities. Biological Sciences will hold their convocation ceremony in the Bob Carpenter Sports Building.
- Keys
Please be sure to turn in all UD building keys (labs, offices, specials) to Jim Farmer, 115B Wolf Hall, in order to avoid a hold on your diploma, transcripts and final thesis/dissertation.
- Procard
Please be sure to turn in your procard to the department Graduate Administrator in order to avoid a hold on your diploma, transcripts and final thesis/dissertation.
Please reference the Grad Office website for complete details on university graduation requirements.